Alberto Marchi is Associated Profesor of the National University of Litoral (UNL) at the School of Chemical Engineering (FIQ) and Member of the CONICET’s Research Staff at the Institute of Research on Catalysis and Petrochemistry (INCAPE), Santa Fe, Argentina. He obtained his Chemical Engineering Degree in 1983 and his PhD on Chemical Engineering in 1988, both from UNL. He carried out a postdoctoral stay in the Laboratorium voor Petrochemische Techniek, Rijksuniversiteit, Gent, Belgium since October 1988 to August 1999. During this stay he perform research works on (1) gas phase methanol to olefin (MTO) over molecular sieves and (2) identification of surface intermediates by diffused reflectance infrared Fourier transform (DRIFT) and mass spectrometry (MS). In 1995 he was a fellowship at the University of Tokyo, Japan, to realize an expertise on Raman spectroscopy applied to heterogeneous catalysis. In 2007 he received the Huergo Award from the National Academy of Engineering, Buenos Aires, Argentina, together with Dr. Trasarti and Dr. Apesteguía. At present time, his current research works are related with the development of novel metal and acid solid catalysts for the synthesis of fine chemicals and the valorization of bioresources.
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