Undergraduate Level:
1-Physical chemistry I and Thermodynamics. Dr. Abel Chialvo and Dr. Jose Luis Fernández.
2-Physical chemistry II. Dr. Abel Chialvo, Dr. María Rosa
Gennero, Dr. María de los Angeles Montero and Lic. Mauricio Arce.
3-Physical chemistry of Materials. Dr. María Rosa Gennero.
4-Molecular Structure and Spectroscopy. Dr. María Rosa Gennero and Dr. Paola Quaino.
5-Electrochemistry. Dr. Abel Chialvo y Dr. Carlos Marozzi.
6-Theoretical and Computational Chemistry. Dr. Paola Quaino.
Graduate Level:
1-Thermodynamics. Dr. Abel Chialvo, Dr. José Luis Fernández and Dr. Carlos Marozzi.
2-Chemical and Statistical Thermodynamics. Dr. María Rosa Gennero and Dr. Paola Quaino.
3-Fuel Cells: Theory and Aplications. Dr. José
Luis Fernández and Dr. Carlos Marozzi.
4-Quantum Chemistry: aplications to nanoparticles and surfaces. Dr.
Paola Quaino.
5-Computational Chemistry. Dr. Paola Quaino.