R & D projects
- 2022: “Instrumental platform”. CATT UNL 2022.
- 2020: “Development of advanced analytical methods for the evaluation of honey quality. Studies of the content of pesticides and chemical elements.” CAI+D UNL 2020.
- 2020: “Multi-elemental analysis and chemometric classification by geographical origin of Santa Fe honeys”. ASACTeI Oriented 2018.
2017: “Development of advanced analytical methods for the determination of residues and chemical contaminants in rice”. CAI+D UNL 2016. - 2016: “Genetic improvement for the development of new rice varieties with decreased accumulation capacity of inorganic arsenic”. PICT 2015– MINCyT.
- 2016: “Innovative sample preparation methods for trace analysis, compatible with advanced instrumental systems.” CAI+D UNL 2016.
2015: “Strengthening Rice Exports”. SPU. - 2015: “Development of advanced analytical methods applied to the determination of pesticide residues in fruit and vegetable products from Santa Fe”. SECTeI.
- 2015: “Advanced analytical methods for the determination of pesticide residues in the Santa Fe fruit and vegetable chain. Applications to improve the sustainability of production and the quality and safety of food.” PID ORIENTED UNL 2014.
- 2013: “Studies on innovative analysis methodologies for the determination of chemical residues and contaminants. Risk assessment and remediation of the effects derived from its presence in food and environmental samples”. CAI+D UNL 2011.
2013: “Chromatographic and mass spectrometric methods for the determination of neonicotinoid pesticides. Residuality studies and risk assessment in beekeeping samples and regional crops”. CAI+D UNL 2011. - 2013: “Analysis of speciation of trace elements in samples of environmental interest: development of online systems based on atomic spectrometry”. CAI+D UNL 2011.
- 2013: “Multivariate calibration techniques: application to the analysis in trace levels of chemical species of environmental interest”. CAI+D UNL 2011.
- 2012: “UHPLC MSMS methodologies for determination of glyphosate residues and applications in preferential matrices in the province of Santa Fe”. PAITI UNL 2011.
- 2012. “Development of advanced methods applied to the improvement of production sustainability and export quality of OVER SRL. Development of methods for the characterization and treatment of pesticides in effluents”. SECTeI 2012.
R & D Projects in cooperation with other research centers
- 2013-2019: “Los agroquímicos como fuente de contaminación difusa en agroecosistemas” (PE 1128043) enmarcado en el Proyecto Integrador “Gestión de sistemas agropecuarios y agroindustriales para reducir contaminación”. Código de Planificación: PNNAT-1128043. Coordinado por INTA a nivel nacional.
- 2012-2015: “Residuos y contaminantes en cadenas de agro-alimentos prioritarias de la región central santafesina”. Proyecto ANPCYT PICT Bicentenario 2010-2011, Proyectos de Investigación Científica y Tecnológica. Temas de Impacto Regional. Res. 98/11. Período de realización 2012-2015. Investigador responsable J.C. Basílico (micotoxinas). Investigadores: H.R.Beldoménico (plaguicidas), M.Zapata (micotoxinas).
- 2012-2014. Proyecto INTA/EEA Rafaela – FIQ/UNL. Tema “Estudios de residualidad y comportamiento químico de plaguicidas en miel y vegetales relacionados con la producción apícola”. Convenio de colaboración INTA-UNL. Investigadores responsables: C. Salto (INTA) y H.R.Beldoménico (UNL).
Training projects
- 2012-2013: Proyecto MINCYT-PAL: “Capacitación en Buenas Prácticas de Laboratorio y formación de auditores internos”. Proyecto en el marco de la resolución MinCyT Nº 908/11, Programa de Acreditación de Laboratorios del SNCTI (PAL), Res. MinCyT Nº 428/2012.
- 2012-2013. “Acciones para la ampliación y mejora de la capacidad analítica del Laboratorio Central-FIQ-UNL mediante implementación de sistemas estandarizados de gestión (ISO 17025 y BPL)“. Curso de Acción para la Transferencia de Tecnológica (CATT), Registro Cambio de Escala – Financiamiento a Proyectos 2011. Expte. 577.883 Res. C.S. Nro 87 del dia 26/04/2012 (N° proyecto: 01022011).
Re-equipment projects
- 2015-2017: “Adquisición y puesta en funcionamiento de un Espectrómetro de Masa con Plasma Inductivo Acoplado (ICP-MS) con Cromatógrafo Líquido de Alta Resolución (HPLC-ICP-MS) y Cromatógrafo Gaseoso (GC-ICP-MS) acoplados”. Proyecto Agencia Santafesina de Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación (ASaCTeI) Instrumento Equipamiento de Alta Complejidad-2015 AC-2015-0006: Director Dr. Adrián Bonivardi. Investigadores responsables: Dra. Mirna E. Sigrist, Ing. H.R.Beldomenico. Dr.C.Bernal. Unidad Ejecutora: PRINARC-FIQ-UNL. Monto: $ 4.804.929. Aprobado diciembre 2015
- 2014-2016: “Fortalecimiento de las capacidades para la prestación de servicios tecnológicos orientados a la mejora de la calidad y sostenibilidad de la producción agroalimentaria y agroindustrial”. Proyecto MINCYT FIN-SET SF 007/13. Aprobado Marzo de 2014. Arg.$ 4.008.000. Director: H.R.Beldoménico (PRINARC FIQ UNL).
- Michlig, M.P., Pacini, A.C., Merke, J., Orellano, E.M., Brasca, R., Repetti, M.R. (2023). Sublethal exposure to imidacloprid in commercial Apis mellifera colonies in early spring: performance of honey bees and insecticide transference between in-hive products. Apidologie 54 (2), https://doi.org/10.1007/s13592-023-00993-2.
- Lajmanovich, R.C., Repetti, M.R., Cuzziol Boccioni, A.P., Michilg, M.P., Demonte, L.D., Attademo, A.M., Peltzer, P.M. Cocktails of pesticide residues in Prochilodus lineatus fish of the Salado River
(South America): First record of high concentrations of polar herbicides. Science of the Total Environment 870 (2023) 162019. - Schlotthauer, J., Simonetto, C., Brusa, L., SigristM. Performance of Dicarboxylates for the Separation of Arsenic Species by Anion Exchange Chromatography. Chromatographia (2023). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10337-023-04245-4.
- Brusa, L., Tudino, M. Schlotthauer, J., Sigrist, M. Selenium speciation in soils using flow injection hydride generation atomic absorption spectrometry with on-line removal of organic matter interferences. Talanta
Volume 253, 1 February 2023, 123898. - Cuzziol Boccioni, A.P., Lener, G., Peluso, J., Peltzer, P.M., Attademo, A.M., Aronzon, C., Simoniello, M.F., Demonte, L.D., Repetti, M.R., Lajmanovich, R.C. Comparative assessment of individual and mixture chronic toxicity of glyphosate and glufosinate ammonium on amphibian tadpoles: A multibiomarker approach. Chemosphere 309 (2022) 136554.
- Gutierrez, M.F., Mayora, G., Licursi, M., Michlig, M.P., Repetti, M.R., Negro, L. (2022). Zooplankton shifts from headwater to lowland streams: Insights into the role of water quality to assist the protection and restoration of agricultural waterways. Ecohydrology 15(4), e2432. https://doi.org/10.1002/eco.2432.
- Lajmanovich, R.C., Attademo, A.M., Lener, G., Demonte, L.D., Repetti, M.R. Glyphosate and glufosinate ammonium, herbicides commonly used on genetically modified crops, and their interaction with microplastics: Ecotoxicity in anuran tadpoles. Science of the Total Environment, 2022, 804, 150177.
- Romero Donato, C.J., Cendoya, E., Demonte, L.D., Repetti, M.R., Chulze, S.N., Ramírez, M.L., 2022. Influence of abiotic factors (water activity and temperature) on growth and aflatoxin production by Aspergillus flavus in a chickpea-based medium. Int J Food Microbiol. 379, 109841-109847. DOI: 10.1016/j.ijfoodmicro.2022.109841.
- Fantón, N., Cazenave, J., Michlig, M.P., Repetti, M.R., Rossi, A.Biomarkers of exposure and effect in the armoured catfish Hoplosternum littorale during a rice production cycle. Environmental Pollution, 2021, 287, 117356.
- Andrade, V.S., Gutierrez, M.F., Regaldo, L., Repetti, M.R., Gagneten, A.M.Influence of rainfall and seasonal crop practices on nutrient and pesticide runoff from soybean dominated agricultural areas in Pampean streams, Argentina. Science of the Total Environment, 2021, 788, 147676
- Attademo, A.M., Sanchez-Hernandez, J.C., Lajmanovich, R.C., Repetti, M.R., Peltzer, P.M. Enzyme Activities as Indicators of Soil Quality: Response to Intensive Soybean and Rice Crops. Water, Air, and Soil Pollution, 2021, 232(7), 295
- Attademo, A.M., Lajmanovich, R.C., Peltzer, P.M., …Simonielo, F., Repetti, M.R. Effects of the emulsifiable herbicide Dicamba on amphibian tadpoles: an underestimated toxicity risk? Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2021, 28(24), pp. 31962–31974
- José, C., Briand, L.E., Michlig, N., Cornaglia, L.M., Bosko, M.L. Isolation of ibuprofen enantiomers and racemic esters through electrodialysis. Journal of Membrane Science, 2021, 618, 118714
Rossi, A.S., Fantón, N., Michlig, M.P., Repetti, M.R., Cazenave, J. Fish inhabiting rice fields: Bioaccumulation, oxidative stress and neurotoxic effects after pesticides application. Ecological Indicators, 2020, 113, 106186
- Nicolás Michlig, Steven J.Lehotay, Alan R.Lightfield, Horacio Beldoménico. María Rosa Repetti (2021). Validation of a high-throughput method for analysis of pesticide residues in hemp and hemp products. Journal of Chromatography A27 March 2021Volume 1645.
- Schlotthauer, Jonatan; Brusa, Lucila; Liberman, Claudia Alejandra; Durand, Mariano; Livore, Alberto Blas; Sigrist, Mirna (2020). Determination of inorganic arsenic in Argentinean rice by selective HGAAS: Analytical performance for paddy, brown and polished rice. Journal of Food Composition and Analysis 91 : 103506
- Esteban Avigliano, Jonatan Schlotthauer, Barbara Maichak de Carvalho, Mirna Sigrist, Alejandra V.Volpedo (2020). Inter‐and intra-stock bioaccumulation of anionic arsenic species in an endangered catfish from South American estuaries: Risk assessment through consumption. Journal of Food Composition and Analysis7 January 2020Volume 87.
- Alarcón, R., Ingaramo, P.I., Rivera, O.E., Dioguardi, G.H., Repetti, M.R., Demonte, L.D., Milesi, M.M.,Varayoud, J., Muñoz de Toro, M., Luque, E.H., 2019. Neonatal exposure to a glyphosate-based herbicide alters the histofunctional differentiation of the ovaries and uterus in lambs. Mol. Cell. Biochem. 482, 45-56. DOI: 10.1016/j.mce.2018.12.007.
- Demonte, L.D., Michlig, N., Gaggiotti, M., Adam, C.G., Beldoménico, H.R., Repetti, M.R., 2018. Determination of glyphosate, AMPA and glufosinate in dairy farm water from Argentina using a simplified UHPLC-MS/MS method. Sci. Total Environ. 645, 34-43. DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2018.06.340.
- Michlig, M.P., Merke, J., Pacini, A.C., Orellano, E.M., Beldoménico, H.R., Repetti, M.R. (2018). Determination of imidacloprid in beehive samples by UHPLC-MS/MS. Microchemical Journal, 143, 72–81. doi: 10.1016/j.microc.2018.07.027.
- Milesi, M.M., Lorenz, V., Pacini, G., Repetti, M.R., Demonte, L.D., Varayoud, J., Luque, E.H., 2018. Perinatal exposure to a glyphosate-based herbicide impairs female reproductive outcomes and induces second-generation adverse effects in Wistar rats. Arch. Toxicol. 92(8), 2629-2643. DOI: 10.1007/s00204-018-2236-6.
- Maggioni D., Signorini M.L., Michlig N., Repetti M.R., Sigrist M.R., Beldomenico H.R. (2017). Comprehensive estimate of the theoretical maximum daily intake of pesticide residues for chronic dietary risk assessment in Argentina. Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part B. 52, 4, 256–266.
- Sigrist, M., Hilbe, N., Brusa, L., Campagnoli, D., Beldoménico, H. Total arsenic in selected food samples from Argentina: Estimation of their contribution to inorganic arsenic dietary intake. Food Chemistry 210 (2016) 96-101.
- Paravani, E.V., Sasal, M.C., Sione, S.M., Gabioud, E.A., Oszust, J.D., Wilson, M.G., Demonte, L., Repetti, M.R., 2016. Determinación de la concentración de glifosato en agua mediante la técnica de inmunoabsorción ligada a enzimas (ELISA). Rev. Int. Contam. Ambie. 32 (4), 399-406. DOI: 10.20937/RICA.2016.32.04.03.
- Michlig N., Signorini M., Gaggiotti M., Chiericatti C., Basílico J.C., Repetti M.R., Beldoménico H.R. (2016). Risk factors associated with the presence of aflatoxin M1 in raw bulk milk from Argentina. Food Control 64, 151-156.
- Michlig N., Repetti M.R., Chiericatti C., García S.R., Gaggiotti M., Basílico J.C., Beldoménico H.R. (2016). Multiclass compatible sample preparation for UHPLC-MS/MS determination of aflatoxin M1 in raw milk. Chromatographia 79, 17, 1091-1100.
- Sasal M.C., Demonte L., Cislaghi A., Gabioud E.A., Oszust J.D., Wilson M.G., Michlig N., Beldoménico H.R., Repetti M.R. (2015). Glyphosate Loss by Runoff and Its Relationship with Phosphorus Fertilization. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 63, 18, 4444-4448.
- Sigrist M., Brusa L., Beldoménico H.R., Dosso L., Tsendra O.M., González M.B., Pieck C.L., Vera C.R. (2014). Influence of the iron content on the arsenic adsorption capacity of Fe/GAC adsorbents. Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering 2, 927–934.
- Peltzer P.M., Lajmanovich R., Attademo A.M., Junges C., Cabagna Zenklusen M., Repetti M.R., Sigrist M., Beldoménico H.R. (2013) Effect of exposure to contaminated pond sediments on survival, development, and enzyme and blood biomarkers in veined treefrog (Trachycephalus typhonius) tadpoles. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 98, 1, 142-151.
- Stoker C., Zayas M.A., Ferreira M.A., Durando M., Galoppo G.H., Rodríguez H.A., Repetti M.R., Beldoménico H.R., Caldini E.G., Luque E.H., Muñoz-de-Toro M. (2013). The eggshell features and clutch viability of the broad-snouted caiman (Caiman latirostris) are associated with the egg burden of organochlorine compounds. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 98, 191–195.
- Sigrist M., Albertengo A., Brusa L., Beldoménico H, Tudino M. (2013). Distribution of inorganic arsenic species in groundwater from Central-West Part of Santa Fe Province, Argentina. Applied Geochemistry, 39, 43–48.
- Sigrist, M., Brusa, L., Campagnoli, D., Beldoménico, H. (2012). Determination of selenium in selected food samples from Argentina and estimation of their contribution to the Se dietary intake. Food Chemistry, 134, 1932–1937.
- Sigrist, M.E., Beldoménico, H.R.,Tarifa, E.E., Pieck, C.L., Vera C.R. (2011). Modelling diffusion and adsorption of As species in Fe/GAC adsorbent beds. Journal of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology, 86, 10, 1256-1264.
- Marzocchi, V.A., Beldoménico, H.R., & Vanzetti N.A. (2011). Bifenilos policlorados: relación entre estructura química, parámetros conformacionales y toxicidad efecto-dioxina Polichlorinated Biphenyls: relationship among chemical structure, conformational parameters and dioxin-effect toxicity. Avances en Ciencias e Ingeniería, 2, 4, 109-118.
- Sigrist, M., Albertengo, A., Beldoménico, H., & Tudino M. (2011). Determination of As(III) and total inorganic As in water samples using an on-line solid phase extraction and flow injection hydride generation atomic absorption spectrometry. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 188, 311–318.
- Stoker, C., Repetti, M.R., García, S.R., Zayas, M.A., Galoppo, G.H., Beldoménico, H.R., Luque E.H., & Muñoz-de-Toro M. (2011). Organochlorine compound residues in the eggs of broad-snouted caimans (Caiman latirostris) and correlation with measures of reproductive performance. Chemosphere, 84, 311–317.
- Sigrist, M., Beldoménico, H., & Repetti M.R. (2010). Evaluation of the influence of arsenical livestock drinking waters on total arsenic levels in cow’s raw milk from Argentinean dairy farms. Food Chemistry, 121, 487–491. (ISSN: 0308-8146).
- Arregui C., Beldoménico H.R., Cassano A., Collins P. et alter 17 authors (2010). Informe UNL sobre la toxicidad del glifosato. ISBN Nº 9876575066, http://www.unl.edu.ar/noticias/noticia.php?nid=7487 accedido Abril 2012.
- Sigrist M., Beldoménico H., Tudino M. (2010) Determination of As(III) in non acidified groundwater samples for inorganic speciation analysis using flow injection hydride generation atomic absorption spectrometry”, Spectroscopy Letters: An International Journal for Rapid Communication, 43, 458-464.
- Mezcua M., Ferrer C., García-Reyes J., Martínez-Bueno M., Sigrist M., Fernández Alba A.R.. (2009). Analyses of selected non-authorized insecticides in peppers by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry and gas chromatography/tandem mass spectrometry”, Food Chemistry, 112, 221-225.
- Hilbe N., Brusa L., Beldoménico H., Sigrist M. Capítulo de libro. Section 2: Arsenic in food. Total arsenic levels by flow injection hydride generation atomic absorption spectrometry in selected food from Santa Fe, Argentina., en One Century of the Discovery of Arsenicosis in Latin America (1914-2014), Eds. M. Litter, H. Nicolli, M. Meichtry, N. Quici, J. Bundschuh, P. Bhattacharya, R. Naidu, publicado por Taylor & Francis Group/ CRC Press/Balkema. ISBN: 978-138-00141-1 (2014) pp. 412-413.
- Sigrist M., Albertengo A., Beldoménico H. y Tudino M. Capítulo de Libro. Problemática del arsénico. Determinación de especies de arsénico inorgánicas en aguas subterráneas de la provincia de Santa Fe (Argentina) por SPE-FI-HGAAS. en Ciencia y Tecnología Ambiental: Un Enfoque Integrador, Eds. M. Dos Santos Afonso, R.M. Torres Sánches, publicado por Editorial Asoc. Arg. para el Progreso de las Ciencias. ISBN 978-987-28123-2-4 (2012) pp. 992-997.
- Sigrist M., Brusa L., Beldoménico H., Dosso L., Pieck C., Vera C. Capítulo de Libro. Influencia del contenido de Fe en la capacidad de adsorción de arsénico por adsorbentes de Fe/GAC., en Ciencia y Tecnología Ambiental: Un Enfoque Integrador, Eds. M. Dos Santos Afonso, R.M. Torres Sánches, publicado por Editorial Asoc. Arg. para el Progreso de las Ciencias. ISBN 978-987-28123-2-4 (2012) pp. 1016-1021.
PhD thesis in progress
- BRUZA, LUCILA. PhD in Chemistry from the Faculty of Chemical Engineering, Universidad Nacional del Litoral
- SCHLOTTAHUER, JONATAN: PhD in Chemistry, Faculty of Chemical Engineering, Universidad Nacional del Litoral.
- MICHLIG, MELINA: ANPCyT Postdoctoral.